Advanced Physics

About The Book

The area of physics known as particle physics (sometimes known as high energy physics) investigates the characteristics of the particles that make up matter and radiation. Although there are many different kinds of very small objects that can be referred to as "particles," "particle physics" typically focuses on the fundamental interactions between the tiniest visible particles and their behaviour. These fundamental particles are, as far as we currently understand them, excitations of the quantum fields that also control their interactions. The Standard Model is the currently preferred theory for describing these fundamental fields and particles, as well as their behaviour. The Standard Model and its many potential extensions, such as those to the newest "known" particle, the Higgs boson, or even to the oldest force field, gravity, are thus the focus of present particle physics research. This book will prepare a beginning to work in the field and at the same time will also serve as helpful reference material for active researchers. It was written in a straightforward pedagogic language by active researchers.

ISBN 9781778806960
Author Kenley Juke
Publication Year 2023
Category Physics
Price $184.00

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Professor Kenley Juke works at the physics department. He has travelled extensively for his many postings, including to the International Centre for Theoretical Physics. Over 110 research papers by Professor Glenn Cunningham have been published in reputable international journals like Physical Review Letters, Physical Review, and International Journal of Modern Physics. He has taken part in numerous international conferences and seminars. He has served as the National Consortium for Physics Education for Individuals' president, a member of its board of directors, and a consultant for the Department of Physics. He has almost 80 papers to his name and has reviewed articles for numerous scholarly journals