Physical Education and Sports

About The Book

Fair play, sportsmanship, obedience to authority, hard work, and a dedication to greatness are all thought to be fostered by participation in organised sports, and this belief is shared by many. Inasmuch as sports serve as a reflection of society at large, one might anticipate seeing the same kinds of aberrant behaviour there as in the wider social structure. The culture of victory at any cost is lauded and even encouraged. The legitimacy of this situation was established long ago by industrialization and capitalism. The athlete must rely on his or her own moral compass to evaluate whether or not his or her actions fall outside of the bounds of what is considered proper conduct. "Sport and Physical Education: The Key Concepts" is a comprehensive guide to the fields, ideas, and issues that shape modern sports, written with students of both Sports Science and Phys. Ed. in mind. An up-to-date view of the dynamic field of sport science is provided via articles covering a wide range of topics, from professionalism to the history of the field to exercise physiology and education. Students in kinesiology, kinesiolgy, sports science, and allied fields will find this book to be an invaluable resource.

ISBN 9781666807837
Author Austin Ray
Publication Year 2023
Category Physical Education & Sports
Price $171.00

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Austin Ray is an associate Dean of the College of Education and Sports and Professor. He was named Associate Dean and Head of the School of Sport, Exercise, and Physical Education, and he was promoted to that position at the Carnegie Faculty of Sport and Education. The physiological and biomechanical components of elite sports performance as well as the effects of exercise and other forms of physical activity on adult and paediatric health are among his primary research interests. There are now 26 edited monographs and 70 refereed publications by Austin Ray in the field of Physical Education. Sporting Nationalisms: Identity, Ethnicity, Immigration, and Assimilation are some of his books.