Agriculture and Genetically Modified Crops

About The Book

Crops that have undergone genetic engineering techniques to alter their DNA are referred to as genetically modified crops. The goal is typically to give the plant a new characteristic that does not develop naturally in the species. In food crops, examples include resistance to specific pests, diseases, or environmental factors, a decrease in spoilage, resistance to chemical treatments, or an improvement in the crop's nutrient profile. Recently, the development and marketing of transgenic crops have advanced quickly around the world, with both improved crop coverage and financial advantages. Foods that have undergone genetic engineering processes to induce specific modifications into their DNA are referred to as genetically modified foods. The primary goal of genetically modified crops is to create food that can endure the application of any dangerous chemicals, pesticides, or herbicides. The ability of genetically modified crops to extend the freshness of food is another advantage. Corn, tomato, beets, potatoes, sprouts, and alfalfa are a few examples of genetically engineered plants and foods. Genes may be inserted or deleted as a result. Examples of non-food crops used for bioremediation for the production of pharmaceuticals, biofuels, and other products with industrial use. These topics are covered in this book, including the origin of the gene, the components of a gene construct, the delivery technique, the integration and expression of the gene, and the impacts of the transgenic on plants and the environment.

ISBN 9781778806885
Author Francis Kim
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $191.00

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Francis Kim is Ph.D. in Genetics from Baylor College. He served as a visiting professor at the Ohio State University's Biotechnology Center in Columbus, Ohio, under the Rockefeller Foundation's programme, as well as a visiting scientist at the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research in Gatersleben, Germany. He has 295 papers under his name and has written or edited five books. He has two patents and is a Fellow of both the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (FNASc, FNAAS).