An Introduction to MATLAB

About The Book

The emphasis of many of this book's features is on how to create trustworthy MATLAB programmes in the right way. These characteristics ought to be helpful to both practitioners in the field and students studying MATLAB for the first time. They comprise 1. Emphasis on Top-Down Design Methodology - The book uses a top-down design methodology consistently for the remainder of the book after introducing it in Chapter 3. With this approach, a learner is encouraged to consider the ideal programme design before starting to code. It highlights the significance of precisely outlining the issue to be solved as well as the necessary inputs and outputs before any other work is started. The student learns how to use stepwise refinement after the problem has been adequately specified to divide the work into progressively smaller subtasks and to implement the subtasks as distinct subroutines or functions. Finally, it emphasises the value of testing at every stage of the process, including comprehensive testing of the finished result and unit testing of component procedures. The book's explanation of the formal design process can be summed up as follows: i. Clearly state the issue you are attempting to resolve; ii. Specify the inputs needed by the programme and the intended outputs; and iii. Provide a description of the algorithm you plan to use. Using pseudocode or flowcharts, this process comprises top-down design and progressive deconstruction. v. Test the MATLAB application after converting the algorithm into MATLAB statements. In this step, the finished software is thoroughly tested using numerous data sets in addition to unit testing of particular functions. 2. The use of functions to logically break down tasks into smaller subtasks is emphasised in the book. It demonstrates the benefits of data-hiding functions. Additionally, it underlines how crucial it is to unit test functions before they are added together to form the complete application. The book also discusses the typical errors people make while using functions and how to prevent them. 3. The book places a strong emphasis on MATLAB's built-in tools, which facilitate programming and debugging. The Editor/Debugger, Workspace Browser, the Help Browser, and GUI design tools.and other utilities are covered.

ISBN 9781778807240
Author Will Chavez
Publication Year 2023
Category Mathematics
Price $184.00

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Will Chavez earned a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering, a master's degree in electrical, and continued his graduate studies at National University. In the past, he was a Navy officer posted to the Naval Nuclear Power School to teach Electrical Engineering. Additionally connected to the university, he oversaw the power systems programme there. He also conducted research on methods for processing radar signals. Will Chavez is currently, BAE Systems' Manager of Systems Modeling and Operational Analysis. He is the team's commander, and they have created a model for how a navy ship may protect itself. Additionally, he belongs to the Institution of Engineers and the Association for Computing Machinery.