Analysis And Research In Mass Media

About The Book

The impact of mass communication is widespread. A vast and multifaceted field, mass communication study draws its ideas from a variety of fields in the humanities, the social sciences, and even from fields in the sciences like mathematics, computing, and engineering. It continuously improves and adjusts to changing political and social concerns with regard to "the media," as well as the nature and applications of media technology. It has an impact on practically every element of human existence, including health, education, culture, tradition, and fashion, among others. Like all other topics, mass communication merits investigation so that it can take on a more comprehensible form. An epistemological view of stages of analysis is presented in this work. It aids in the development of media audience analysis abilities by guiding readers toward a knowledge of the difficulties associated with media measurement, quantification, datafication, and assessment. Where necessary, a comparison analysis is also undertaken. The author is optimistic that readers who have an interest in learning more about mass communication will find this book to be of great value.

ISBN 9781778807226
Author Kyle Shelton
Publication Year 2023
Category Journalism
Price $171.00

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Kyle Shelton is a committed professional who has more than 22 years of experience teaching corporate communication and business English. In business and economic education, he earned a bachelor's, master's, and doctorate degree. Kyle Shelton is a member of the review boards for the Journal of Business Communication and the Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, both of which are products of the Association for Business Communication. Additionally, he attends national conferences, sponsors awards for business communication, and is dedicated to advancing the best practises in business communication pedagogy and the improvement of students' writing abilities.