Analysis and Static Geometry

About The Book

This book discusses the traditional subjects of Euclidean, relative, and projective geometry in two and three dimensions, as well as the order of conics and quadrics and geometric modifications. These subjects are necessary both for the scientific establishment of the understudy and for applications to various subjects. They could be studied in the first year or as a second course in geometry. The information is presented geometrically, with the goal of developing the student's geometric instinct and reasoning about the subject matter, as well as his ability to comprehend and provide numerical evidences. Direct polynomial math is not required and is kept to an absolute minimum. The book includes a few of methodological oddities, as well as a large number of activities and problems with solutions. This outstanding inquiry takes a unique approach to the historical backdrop of concepts, specifically designed as an integrated examination of the advancement of diagnostic geometry.

ISBN 9781778807882
Author John Gunther
Publication Year 2023
Category Mathematics
Price $184.00

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John Gunther is focus for his doctoral dissertation in the field of molecular physics. He is an active member of both the National Academy of Engineering and the Ecuadorian Society for Information Science and Technology. In addition to that, John Gunther possesses certifications as both a Certified Information Systems Manager and a Certified Information Systems Security Professional. He also has a master’s degree in international policy studies and a master’s degree in national security studies from the Monterey Institute of International Studies. In addition to penning over 80 publications that have been reviewed by his peers, he has also authored a monograph on the principles of electron tunnelling spectroscopy and Nano electronics.