Ancient Civilizations History

About The Book

From the earliest Paleolithic times to about 700 B.C., when the foundations for the creation of the great Empire were built, The History of Civilizations covers the history of man in this huge territory. Before a human community to reach the degree of sophistication that is often referred to as civilisation, many different factors must come together. The first is the presence of settlements that can be categorised as cities or towns. In order to achieve this, food production must be effective enough to allow a sizable portion of the population to devote their time to more specialised endeavours, such as the construction of impressive structures or works of art, the practise of expert warfare, and, most importantly, the management of a centralised bureaucracy that can manage the operations of the state. Despite the significant influence that Central Asia has had on both past and present history, this huge region, which stretches from the Caspian Sea to western China and Mongolia, has not been thoroughly explored as a single cultural unit over time and space. The first attempt to offer a thorough picture of the cultures that developed and disappeared at the centre of the Eurasian continent from the birth of civilization to the present day was made in this multi-volume History of Civilizations of Central Asia, which was published in English. The book is a stimulating philosophical exposition that shows how critical thinking is a never-ending process with strands of continuity and civilizational progress.

ISBN 9781778806977
Author William Dean
Publication Year 2023
Category History
Price $158.00

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William Dean was the foremost post-war historian. The Mediterranean in the Age of Philip II, Civilization, and Capitalism are among his best-known works. He worked on his critically acclaimed eleven-volume The Story of Civilization series for more than fifty years. He is a thinker and activist who has questioned conventional wisdom on issues such as LGBT rights, welfare, prisons, and the treatment of the mentally ill. His areas of interest in research are the interaction between ancient monuments and their natural surroundings, the use of colour in ancient cultures, and the emergence and nature of early state societies. God's Playground, White Eagle, Red Star, The Isles, and World History are among the volumes on Polish and European history that he has written. Europe in a Microcosm: East and West.