Animal cloning and transgenesis

About The Book

Transgenic methods are still evolving and have had a significant impact on a wide range of disciplines. They are honoured for their contributions to our understanding of gene expression, regulation, and function. This book addresses all elements of gene transfer in animals, from molecular techniques to whole animal considerations across a wide range of species. The book begins with an explanation of what transgenic animals are. Methods and applications relevant to transgenic application are covered in Chapter 1. The second chapter discusses the Prospects and Problems of Using Transgenic Animals in Biotechnology. Transgenic Animals in Agriculture (Chapter 3) Gene Replacement and Transgenic Animals are depicted in Chapter 4. This chapter discusses how specific sites in cloned genes can be altered in vitro, as well as how DNA can be transported into Eukaryotic Cells in a variety of ways. Chapter 5 discusses the fundamentals of cloning. Reproductive Cloning is discussed in Chapter 6. Domestic Animal Cloning is discussed in Chapter 7. Surface Epigenetic Reprogramming is depicted in Chapter 8. Animal Health Risks is covered in Chapter 9. This chapter focuses on the critical biological systems approach to clone animal analysis. The creation of the Risk Assessment Methodology required for cloning is described in Chapter 10.

ISBN 9781778806113
Author Boris Armstrong
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $178.00

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Boris Armstrong is a Professor Emeritus at the Biological Sciences Department. He worked as a research scientist at the Department of Biotechnology before transitioning to full-time scientific writing. He is presently a Research Fellow at the Department of Biotechnology and the owner of a scientific writing firm. He has written multiple books, and his latest volume is a brief, balanced introduction to this dynamic field, addressing essential concerns and contemporary approaches in animal trans-genesis and cloning. The purpose of this book is to analyse advancements and identify which reproductive technologies can be employed commercially or in research.