Applied Psychology

About The Book

Humans learn all behaviours from their immediate surroundings. As a result, they are amenable to revision by means of pedagogical and psychological interventions aimed at altering the conditions under which instruction takes place. In this book, we take a look at clinical psychology from many perspectives. The title of this book gives away the subject matter, which is crucial to the fields of psychology and clinical psychology: issues of mental retardation and disruptive behaviour. As the author's original study, the book Clinical Psychology is groundbreaking in its approach to treating people with mental illness. Students, professionals, and academics in the fields of psychology, psychiatry, and related behavioural sciences would benefit much from reading this meticulously researched study.

ISBN 9781778806410
Author Ayse Wilson
Publication Year 2023
Category Psychology
Price $171.00

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Ayse Wilson is a well-known psychologist who has established a global reputation as an authority on psychological testing, particularly the assessment and interpretation of IQ testing, culture-free testing, and test creation methodological issues. She is well-known for proposing a resolution to the long-running nature-nurture debate in psychology, claiming that they are mutually influencing interactions. She received the organization's Silver Medal Award. In appreciation of her significant scientific accomplishments, she was given the National Medal of Science. She is a qualified psychologist as well as an attorney. The Board of Professional Psychology has qualified her in clinical psychology. She has more thancuriculun deve 3 years of experience as a scholar and practitioner of psychological testing, with multiple peer-reviewed papers and professional presentations in the subject.