Aquatic Ecology and Toxicology

About The Book

It is called "Aquatic Pollution" when vast quantities of waste material that alter the water in an undesirable way are dumped into aquatic systems (including lakes, rivers, seas, aquifers, and groundwater). When dangerous contaminants are released into aquatic systems without being removed, this sort of ecological deprivation develops. Amphibians and other water-dependent creatures and plants are negatively impacted by pollution in aquatic environments. Toxicology today incorporates safety evaluation and risk assessment in addition to the traditional study of harmful effects of exogenous substances, drawing on the fields of biochemistry, biology, chemistry, genetics, mathematics, medicine, pharmacology, physiology, and physics. Studying how chemicals have negative effects on living things is central to the study of toxicology in all its subfields. Tasks in these broad areas are complementary to toxicological research and aid in the translation of scientific findings into practical applications in the field of toxicology. This book focuses on the aquatic environment, aquatic pollution, and environmental toxicity, and it revises its content, images, and problems to reflect recent advances in our understanding of these topics. This book has a more standard presentational style, discussing environmental pollution, aquatic ecosystems, and environmental toxicity.

ISBN 9781778806168
Author Corey Johnson
Publication Year 2023
Category Environmental Science
Price $178.00

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Corey Johnson has a bachelor's, master's and Ph.D in Environment and Ecology. He began working with researchers after completing his post-doctoral training. He has assessed grant applications from over twelve different countries and served as a reviewer of academic jobs in many different places throughout the world. His research interests include how the environment changes, notably temperature, oxygen, and toxicants, as well as the Aquatic Environment and Toxicology, Biodiversity and Ecological Conservation, and Environmental Biotechnology. Environmental regulation of gene expression is an important element of research, such as how toxicants, oxygen, and temperature variations affect induction, translation, and protein.