Athletic Accidents and Rehabilitation

About The Book

Every physical activity teaches us something new, improves some aspect of our health, and gives us the confidence and energy to carry on with our lives with joy. However, there is also the risk of physical harm from engaging in sporting activities. An injury can range from being very small to being catastrophic enough to destroy a person's career or even jeopardise their lives. Whether in the heat of competition, during routine practise, or in the off season, an athlete is always at risk of injury. The rising popularity of fitness and sports has led to an increase in the number of sports injuries experienced by both professional and amateur athletes. In order to reach its readers, the present study uses straightforward English to describe in detail a wide range of sports and injuries, including those affecting the foot and ankle, knee, hip flexors, hip joints, shoulders, head, forearm muscles, wrist joints, arm muscles, elbow joints, pelvis, calves, etc. This book, aptly titled Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation, covers every angle of the subject. The book makes use of straightforward organisation and plain English throughout. The authors of this book hope that it will be of value to a wide variety of readers, including clinicians, physiotherapists, athletes, students, teachers, and the general public.

ISBN 9781778807851
Author Franklin Emilio
Publication Year 2023
Category Physical Education & Sports
Price $171.00

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Franklin Emilio is a professor of sports medicine and holds a doctorate. He is a certified coach in the areas of athletics, swimming, and triathlon and holds a master's degree in health science. He also gives talks for Sports Medicine on how to avoid injuries and works with world-class athletes. His knowledge in orthopaedic sports medicine has earned him widespread renown. Over the course of his career, he has contributed to more than 88 scholarly contents published in peer-reviewed journals and 29 chapters in books with international distribution. He also serves as a referee for nine domestic and fifteen foreign publications. He has also served on the National Society of Sports' scientific committee in the past. Steff Murphy is a world-renowned speaker on the topics of injury prevention, rehabilitation, and screening. He is presently pursuing a doctorate in education, where he plans to research the effects of various teaching methods on the formation of clinical reasoning abilities in students of undergraduate sports rehabilitation programmes.