Biodiversity and Climate Change

About The Book

The biophysical environment is affected by climatic changes including earlier springs and later autumns, melting glaciers, less ice in the Arctic, and higher seas. Already, we can see the effects of these shifts on biodiversity at the species level, in terms of phenology, distribution, and population size, as well as at the ecosystem level, in terms of distribution, composition, and function. The loss of biodiversity and the accompanying rise in global temperatures pose a threat to human security (e.g. a major change in the food chain upon which we depend, water sources may change, recede or disappear, medicines and other resources we rely on may be harder to obtain as the plants and forna they are derived from may reduce or disappear, etc.). Together with other aspects, environmental circumstances play a crucial role in determining how plants operate and where they may be found. Current plant diversity patterns are known to have been enormously impacted by changes in long term climatic circumstances that may be collectively dubbed climate change, and greater consequences are projected in the future. To a large extent, climate change is expected to continue being a primary factor in shaping patterns of biodiversity. This essential book provides a 360-degree panorama of the cutting-edge science and thought on climate change and biological variety, and is accessible to both experts and concerned laypeople.

ISBN 9781778806380
Author Mike Garrison
Publication Year 2023
Category Environmental Science
Price $178.00

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Mike Garrison is a pioneer on climate change. Tracking with his interest in the role of climate change in ecosystem management and methods of corridor design, he makes effort to develop environmental protection responses to climate change. He co-edited ground breaking and highly praised books such as Climate Change and Biological Diversity, An Approach to Climate Change, Renewable Power Technologies, and others. He has written twelve books, published over 28 articles and reports, served as the lead investigator on multiple grants, and presented over 60 workshops and seminars ranging from the local to the global stage.