Biological Pest Control of Insects

About The Book

"Biological Pest Control of Insects" shows how to control insect pests biologically. It's crucial to determine when figures warrant artificial control and to evaluate control's efficacy. The text is carefully arranged to fulfil the demands of a growing number of readers. Living organisms are used for biological pest management. Predators, parasitoids, and diseases are arthropod adversaries. Predators consume prey. Ladybird beetles, carabid (ground) beetles, staphylinid (rove) beetles, syrphid (hover) files, lacewings, minute pirate bugs, nabid bugs, and big-eyed bugs are predatory arthropods. Parasites, diseases, and predators help manage pests and their harm through biological control. Natural enemies provide biocontrol. It reduces pest insects and mites. Parasites, diseases, and predators help manage pests and their harm through biological control. "Natural enemies" provide biocontrol to reduce pest insects and mites. Natural enemies can help manage rangeland and wildland weeds. Plant diseases, nematodes, and vertebrates also have natural enemies, but they're tougher to discover, understand, and/or manage. Conservation, amplification, and biocontrol are ways to use natural enemies. General entomologists, agricultural entomology students, professors, and entomology researchers will find this book valuable.

ISBN 9781778806250
Author Henry Hatfield
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $191.00

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Henry Hatfield has vast experience in pest control and management in Britain. His principal strategy entails encouraging functional variety to break the monoculture nature of agricultural environments. Henry Hatfield has written 13 books, including Agroforestry: The Study of Sustainable Farming and Pest Management in Agricultural Ecology. His current research looks at how ecological knowledge may be used to protect plants more effectively and sustainably. He is on the editorial board of three publications and has over 60 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters to his credit, as well as co-edited the book Environmental Control.