Biotechnology and the Science of Plants

About The Book

Biotechnology is the name for any technology, process, or practise that changes or uses living organisms or systems for human purposes. Plant biotechnology is a branch of botanical science that is mostly about genetic engineering. Botany is a branch of biology that looks at the structure, properties, and biochemical processes of plants. There is also the classification of plants, the study of plant diseases, and the study of how plants interact with their environment. Botany is the study of plants and their parts. Its principles and findings have been used as the basis for other applied sciences like agriculture, horticulture, and forestry. Molecular, cell, and developmental biology, as well as ecology and evolutionary biology, are all part of modern biological systematics. Methods for collecting data include DNA sequencing, protein electrophoresis, electron and light microscopy, controlled growth experiments, and field studies of ecology and distribution. Researchers can use the information in this book to update their knowledge on the topics it covers. Students, teachers, and researchers in biotechnology and plant biology will also find this book useful. This book is a great way to see how plant biology is changing right now

ISBN 9781778806298
Author Jamie Lindsay
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $191.00

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