Biotechnology of medicinal plants

About The Book

In all communities, plant-based medicines play a significant role in maintaining health and treating infections. A significant opportunity for sedate progress exists in the separating proof of dynamic standards and their sub-atomic focuses from conventional prescription. Modern biotechnology allows for the hereditarily enhancing and mass dispersing of plants with specific synthetic syntheses for the extraction of drugs with mass appeal. Even though biotechnology has made significant strides in the investigation and modification of pathways for the manufacture of specific compounds through tissue cultures and genetic alteration, there are still numerous challenges involved in moving plants from the lab to successful plug development. In addition to topics like plant tissue societies, alternative metabolite creation, metabolomics, metabolic building, bioinformatics, and future biotechnological orientations, this book also demonstrates the most recent developments in the improvement of restorative drugs. The entire gamut from cell culture techniques, through hereditary designing and auxiliary item digestion, up to the use of transgenic plants for the creation of bioactive mixtures is covered in this special review of plants and transgenic systems of extraordinary logical, therapeutic, and financial incentive for both industry and academia.

ISBN 9781778807295
Author Sean Davis
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $191.00

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Sean Davis earned both a Ph.D. in Plant Biology and a B.Sc. in Plant Science. His areas of expertise include plant biotechnology techniques, medicinal plant biotechnology, and biotechnology in medicinal and aromatic plants. He also specialises in ecology and management of soil-borne pathogens. In national and international publications, he has produced more than 79 research papers and reviews. He currently holds the title of Emeritus Professor of Biology at the Division of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology. 13 journal articles, 25 invited or refereed talks, and 8 books and manuals are only a few examples of his remarkable intellectual output. For his dedication to serving others, he has also received numerous accolades.