Cell Culture in Animals

About The Book

Cell culture involves removing animal or plant cells and growing them in a lab. The cells may be taken from the tissue and disaggregated enzymatically or mechanically before culturing, or they may be generated from an established cell line or strain. Stem cells can self-renew and give rise to a limited number of differentiated cell types. Haematopoiesis is a famous example of stem cells. This book covers all areas of animal cell culture, an important part of biotechnology. Animal cells are utilised to make vaccines, particular animal proteins such as intergerons, blood factors and hormones, monoclonal antibodies for diagnostic and therapeutic applications, gene probes, enzymes, and many new and significant chemicals. Eleven chapters cover historical advances, laboratory design, sterilising techniques, and animal cell culture. This comprises cell preservation, characterisation, storage and transfer, and monitoring.

ISBN 9781778806090
Author Alan Harper
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $191.00

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Alan Harper is a Biotechnology Professor. His research focuses on insect mating. He has over 120 papers and thirty book chapters in the fields of biotechnology, animal behaviour, biomechanics, orthopaedics, and tissue engineering to his credit. He co-authored the book Development of Insect Mating Systems and has written other publications for general audiences on animal behaviour, animal culture, and natural history. He is a world-renowned expert on cell culture technology and the author or editor of multiple journals.