Cellular and Molecular Biology

About The Book

This book is devoted to the molecular paradigm of cell biology and its conceptual and technological developments. It provides a foundation for comprehending molecular concepts and their significance in elucidating not only the structure and function of the cell as the fundamental unit of life, but also the integrative role they play in the general organisation of tissues and organs. Cell biology is an intriguing area of biology that has helped us understand many mysteries that had previously been unsolved. Molecular genetics, molecular biology, biotechnology, recombinant DNA technologies, etc. all have molecular biology as their foundational science. The study of cells has advanced at a dizzying rate over the past few decades, leading to an explosion of data on the topic. In the ever-evolving field of cell and molecular biology, researchers examine the fundamental processes at the heart of all biological progress. From the bare essentials to the cutting edge of the field, this accessible and engaging book covers it everything in cell and molecular biology. This text, appropriately titled Cell and Molecular Biology, examines the cellular level down to the molecular level, covering all the structural and functional aspects of the cell. Understanding genetic engineering and immunology is also included, as this information is crucial to deciphering the manifestations of cellular machinery.

ISBN 9781778806342
Author Ben Allens
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $191.00

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Ben Allens is a Microbiology Professor. He worked for six years in the fields of Immunology and Microbiology, Cellular and Molecular Immunotherapy, and Plant Biology after receiving his Ph.D. in Cellular and Molecular Immunology from Germany. He also took on a lectureship in Plant Biology and researched in the fields of Microbiology and Immunology, agricultural microbes and ecosystem, and antibiotic synthesis from bacteria. He has written six books, over 29 articles and research papers, and has presented several presentations at national and international conferences.