Cereals, Pulses, and Oilseeds Technology

About The Book

Make and supply strategies for grains, natural products, veggies, and flavours are outlined in this book. Specifically, it highlights the characteristics, features, and physiology of cereals and other goods. Information on harvesting, caring for, drying, processing, storing, bundling, and allocating is disseminated throughout the text. In addition, it examines the methods of cooling and preserving food that are employed to maintain quality and reduce the rate of decay and shrinkage in agricultural products. This book addresses issues related to preserving the quality of harvested foods such as grains, beans, and oilseeds. Oats, beets, oilseeds, and other products of the soil are gathered here along with information on their postharvest management, as well as the standards linked with their preparedness and the strategy involved with their home-scale and mechanical treatment. Some common phrases used in food science and technology are also included here. This will increase people's ability to obtain agricultural goods on a personal level. The purpose of this book is, in part, to compile scattered information and organise the latest developments in postharvest administration and food preparation techniques, including but not limited to: forms, operations, outlines, drying, parboiling, processing, by-products usage, and inventive item development from agricultural raw material.

ISBN 9781778807929
Author Ray Macatee
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $191.00

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Ray Macatee is an extremely diligent and hardworking person. After earning his Bachelor of Science degree in Zoology, he went on to earn his Doctor of Philosophy degree in the same subject area. He has over twelve years of expertise in research that is both extensive and diversified, as well as teaching experience. After completing his studies in molecular biology at the Institute of Fundamental Research in Hungary, he doggedly laboured to bring the biology curriculum into the modern era. As a well-known biologist who is credited with many significant advancements in the field of education, he has served as a professor and supervised doctorate research in the fields of molecular biology, enzyme biotechnology, and physiology. Additionally, he has finished several research projects that were supported by various organisations and to his satisfaction. Numerous books have been authored by Russell Stanley in the subfields of bioinformatics, biochemistry, immunology, molecular biology and physiology.