Child Growth and Development

About The Book

Those who work with children in any capacity, whether as parents or educators, would do well to devote significant time and energy to studying child development. The book begins with the prenatal embryonic stage and follows the development of a child's physical, mental, emotional, social, and moral domains as they coalesce to form the person they will become. Furthermore, from the prenatal to the adolescent stage, the importance of both nature and nurture has been emphasised. The term "child development" is used to describe the progression of a child's physical, linguistic, cognitive, and affective changes from birth to early adulthood. During this time, a kid gradually becomes less reliant on his or her parents. Genetic factors (genes inherited from one's parents) and prenatal experiences have profound effects on a child's growth and development. A child's learning capacity and the realities of their environment also play a role. Therapeutic interventions, such as those recommended by occupational therapists and speech therapists, can have a positive impact on a child's growth and development if they are carefully planned and implemented at home. The term "child development" is used to describe the physical and mental changes that take place in humans from birth to the end of adolescence, as the person moves from a state of dependence to one of growing independence. It is common practise to incorporate discussions of genetics and prenatal development due to the potential influence of both on these developmental changes. Science concerned with how kids grow up. This book is written to help researchers, professors, and students navigate the mountain of literature and theoretical discourse on child growth and behaviour.

ISBN 9781778806366
Author Alan Watson
Publication Year 2023
Category Psychology
Price $171.00

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Alan Watson is a senior faculty of the educational psychology. He holds a Ph.D. in Education. He has made a name for himself as a teacher, researcher, and administrator during the last 3 decades. He has written several works on psychology, including Child Development and Educational Psychology. He has a long list of publications in prestigious magazines. His current book is appropriate for B.Ed. and B.A. (Education) courses, but it can also serve as a valuable reference for teachers, teacher-trainees, and practicing counsellors at all levels of school education. It is concerned with the psychology of growth and development.