Chromosomes, Genes, Genomes, and Genetics

About The Book

An organism's whole DNA sequence, including all of its genes, is known as its genome. Every piece of knowledge required to create and sustain that organism is contained in each genome. All cells in humans that have a nucleus include a copy of the full genome, which contains more than three billion DNA base pairs. Developmental genetics investigates how genes control behavioural changes that occur during development and have an impact on various scientific paradigms. It emphasises the interdisciplinary nature of developmental genetics and describes how recent innovative technological developments have sped up our comprehension of the molecular genetic mechanisms governing development. There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of genes on a single chromosome, and they are arranged in matching sets of two (or pairs) called chromosomes. Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, makes up the chromosomes and genes. The book Genes, Genomes, and Genomics, whose chapters are authored by recognised experts from around the world, offers a vast resource of fresh knowledge on both theoretical and practical aspects of revealing the mysteries buried in the genes of plants, animals, and microorganisms. The fundamental structural and operational component of heredity is a gene. DNA-based genes serve as instructions for creating proteins, which are molecules. A few hundred DNA bases to more than two million bases make up a gene in a human. The book also provides a comprehensive introduction of a wide range of methods, from traditional genetics to contemporary genomics technologies.

ISBN 9781778806878
Author Aurelia Reiter
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $191.00

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Aurelia Reiter is an adjunct professor at the University of Otago and former consultant geneticist at Genetic Health Services Switzerland. He is the author of 15 books and a member of Genetics and Genomics editorial board. His areas of study and expertise include chromosomes, genes, genomes and genetics. He has published 120 research papers and 22 chapters in different journals