Crop Diseases and Their Prevention

About The Book

The Prevention of diseases in crops is still largely governed by the use of fungicides, but with the increasing prevalence of fungicide protection, as well as mounting concern for the environment caused by excessive agrochemical use, the search for alternative, solid disease control strategies is gaining momentum. The goal of this key publication is to examine the advancement and misuse (or possible abuse) of a variety of non-substance approaches to sickness control, with a focus on the need for a more significant understanding of product biology as the explanation for powerful disease control in the field. Sections of the book, written by international experts in the field, cover a wide range of topics, including: organic control tactics; plant protection; the misuse of resistance; and the use of bacteriophages.

ISBN 9781778806434
Author Jack Dylan
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $178.00

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Jack Dylan is a former Department of Plant Pathology Professor. For more than nine years, he has been involved in Plant Pathology teaching and research. He is extensively involved in sugar beet and potato disease research, as well as other plant diseases. He has multiple research papers to his name, which have been published in various national and international journals, and he is also the author of two plant pathology laboratory guides. Epidemiology and plant disease control are his areas of expertise. Jack Dylan became active in encouraging underdeveloped countries to adopt transgenic technology as a means of addressing food poverty. He is a member of the International Faculty of an e-learning diploma course that trains decision makers in plant biotechnology regulation, primarily in developing countries.