Cyberlaws: Protecting Ideas and Online Shop

About The Book

The book aids cyber-legal planning, decision-making, and compliance. Cyber law involves legal issues with communications technology, notably the Internet. It involves intellectual property, privacy, free speech, and jurisdiction. Cyber law combines Internet and physical norms. Cyber law covers networked equipment and technologies. Cyberlaw. Cyberspace includes computers, networks, software, data storage devices (hard drives, USB discs, etc.), the Internet, websites, emails, mobile phones, ATMs, etc. 2000's IT Act includes penalties. Since this Act's major purpose is to facilitate commercial I.T. use, several computer-related crimes have been removed. With the legal acknowledgment of Electronic Records and the IT Act, 2000's modifications to the IPC, cyber-related offences are also registered. Patents, copyright, IPR, trademarks, trade dress, and trade secrets are IPR. Sui generis exclusive rights include circuit design rights (called mask work rights in US law), plant breeders' rights, plant variety rights, industrial design rights, and supplementary protection certificates for pharmaceuticals (in European law). A patent gives its owner the right to prevent others from practising the claimed innovation. Congress grants this authority for 20 years after a patent application to encourage public disclosure and commercialization. Effective systems, especially e-commerce, require strong measurement methodologies. E-commerce success measures must account for the Internet's unique characteristics and be updated more often. No company should use its present e-commerce performance requirements. E-commerce installations must handle long-term cost differentials with financial, nonfinancial, leading, and lagging elements. This list of cyber laws is for IT professionals.

ISBN 9781778806472
Author Mark Matthews
Publication Year 2023
Category Computer Science & Information Technology
Price $158.00

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Mark Matthews is a computer professor at the moment. He instructs students in computer network security, cybersecurity, software products, digital design systems, network security, and computer architecture. Marcel Bauer has been invited to talk on cyberspace security, cyberspace ethics, social and ethical issues, and social issues in computers at a number of international conferences. He has received the Global IIS award for outstanding research in computing and cyber security. He has five books in computer network security and computer ethics, one of which has been translated into Chinese. He has also authored several book chapters and journal articles, primarily on computer security and computer ethics. He has also presented a number of conference papers and conducted international workshops.