Dairy and Food Microbiology

About The Book

A thorough and understandable description of the numerous bacteria connected, either directly or indirectly, to foods and dairy products is provided in Food and Dairy Microbiology. The study of the fundamental factors influencing the existence, activity, and management of microbes in food is known as food microbiology. With a plethora of useful knowledge about the most important aspects and principles that affect microorganisms in food, the course also includes the main concepts needed to achieve the minimal standards for degrees in food science. A dairy is a structure used to collect animal milk for human use, typically from cows or goats but occasionally from buffalo, sheep, horses, or camels. A dairy is often found on a farm that is solely dedicated to producing milk, or on a segment of a farm that serves multiple purposes farm that is involved in milk collection. The book will serve as a highly helpful text for students, a source of references for researchers, and fundamental advice for teachers on the subjects.

ISBN 9781778806731
Author Sarala Pamela
Publication Year 2023
Category Food Science & Health Nutrition
Price $178.00

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Sarala Pamela is a Dairy engineering researcher and professor. He graduated from Minnesota with an MS in food technology. She wrote numerous scholarly books in his field of expertise as well as numerous research papers and articles that were published in reputable magazines. She took part in numerous national and international seminars where she gave academic papers. As a member of the Institute of Food Technologists, Sarala Pamela has extensive experience on a global scale in both the technical and managerial facets of dairy product manufacturing. She was also a consultant for dairy science and technology.