Design for Applied Qualitative Research

About The Book

This book provides a comprehensive framework for designing, implementing, and analysing subjective research considerations that are reliable and informative. Concentrate case studies from a wide range of disciplines illustrate the benefits, drawbacks, and applications of the five core subjective methods (inside/outside meetings, focus group discussions, ethnography, content research, contextual analysis, and account inquiry). The Total Quality Framework (TQF) is a flexible and viewpoint-neutral framework that consists of four interconnected segments: credibility, analyzability, transparency, and utility, and it is used to show students and researchers the right way to implement each technique. The TQF is also used to the writing of research proposals, surveys, and evaluations of qualitative research draughts, all of which are covered in the book. Key outlining concerns are highlighted, and the book provides a methodology for building smart and functional linkages between the various configuration pieces.

ISBN 9781778806151
Author Geoffrey Taylor
Publication Year 2023
Category Management
Price $171.00

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Geoffrey Taylor is a Distinguished Professor of Communications as well as a Research Professor of Communications, Sociology, and the Humanities. Numerous works, including The Qualitative Research Design, Foundations of Qualitative Studies, Subjective Field Work, and Curriculum Design in Elementary Education, have been written, edited, and co-written by him. He was the founding editor of Cultural Studies-Critical Methods, the editor of the International Journal of Qualitative Studies, the editor of Studies in Cognitive Interaction, and the founding Director of the World Conference of Qualitative research. Geoffrey Taylor was the past chairman of the National Review Association and has received several major honours.