Design Principles And Practice For Mobile IP

About The Book

In wired and wireless contexts where users must transport their mobile devices across various LAN subnets, mobile IP is most frequently observed. Use cases include roaming across competing wireless networks such IP over DVB, WLAN, WiMAX, and BWA. Since cellular systems like 3G offer their own data link layer handover and roaming procedures, mobile IP is not necessary to guarantee transparency when Internet users move between cellular towers. To enable seamless IP mobility between several packet data serving node (PDSN) domains, it is frequently utilised in 3G systems. Mobile IP is a standard communications protocol developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) that enables users of mobile devices to switch between networks while preserving their IP address indefinitely. Mobile IP is an addition to the Internet Protocol (IP) that adds methods for forwarding Internet traffic to mobile devices (also known as mobile nodes) when they are connecting over a network other than their home network, as stated in Request for Comments (RFC) 2002. The forwarding of Internet traffic with a fixed IP address even outside the home network is referred to as mobile IP communication protocol. It enables users of wireless or portable devices to access the Internet from a distance. In WAN networks, where users must transport their mobile devices across LANs with various IP addresses, mobile IP is primarily used. Not a wireless protocol, mobile IP. However, it might be used for cellular networks' IP infrastructure. The main goals of this book are to introduce fundamental ideas and approaches for mobile communication and to lay a platform for further study and investigation in the area of communication engineering.

ISBN 9781778807349
Author Ian Perry
Publication Year 2023
Category Engineering & Technology
Price $184.00

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Ian Perry is an associate professor of engineering. In addition to his M. Eng. in electrical engineering and computer science, he also holds a Ph.D. in electrical engineering. He worked at Intel as a logic and circuit designer on the Itanium and Pentium II processors prior to entering college. He has since provided consulting services to numerous renowned design firms. He enjoys playing the guitar, travelling, discovering and creating new technologies, wind surfing, and rock climbing. His most recent escapades include learning how to kite surf, investigating drawing interfaces for digital circuit design, and serving as a scientific correspondent for a National Public Radio affiliate. He is fluent in four languages and plans to pick up more in the near future. Ian Perry is a Research Fellow at a centre looking at mobile technologies for dynamic configuration and wireless networking. He serves as the editor for a number of IEEE and ACM journals in the field of wireless networking. Brett Anderson has participated in a number of committees for the National Research Council as well as the Internet Engineering Task Force's Internet Architecture Board. He has written a book on Mobile IP, as well as other papers and articles that have won awards in the fields of resource discovery, autonomous setup, and mobile networking. All forms of reading, writing, and veterans' rights and benefits are highly important to Ian Perry.