Development of Personality and Communication

About The Book

Personality and Communication Development covers a wide spectrum of personality constructs, theoretical and methodological frameworks, and the lifetime. The necessity, significance, and significance of personality and communication development are highlighted in this work. The book presents methods for understanding, enhancing, and developing the most sought-after quality of a person—their personality. The language used in the text is clear, strong, and succinct. It covers a wide range of topics that are relevant to humanity. However, this book has highlighted several elements that can actually aid in the growth of a better personality. The book places a strong emphasis on subjects that are crucial for students, aspiring managers, managers, and professionals.

ISBN 9781778807530
Author Harrison
Publication Year 2023
Category Management
Price $158.00

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Angel Harrison is a Professor of evaluation and personality psychology. His research focuses on how adult personality development occurs as well as how health and significant life events affect the course of personality change. Since old age has been studied much less than other stages of life, such as young adulthood, he is particularly interested in changes that occur during this time. She discovered that old age is a stage of life that is surprisingly susceptible to personality changes. In addition to serving on the editorial boards of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, and Social Psychological and Personality Science, Angel Harrison is an associate editor for the Journal of Research in Personality.