Developments in Digital Libraries and Information

About The Book

The proliferation of information technology and its applications in every aspect of life have altered the current global landscape. The information technology revolution and information explosion have ushered in the electronic information era. Internet technology advancements have facilitated the creation of digital collections, repositories, archives, and libraries. Supporting multiple information usages that promote engagement beyond searching and browsing is, however, still in its infancy. Interactive digital libraries and digital archives are still emerging. Digital preservation techniques have brought about significant changes to the administration and structure of libraries and archives. Utilizing data processing, data storage, and data transmission technologies, Digital Library enhances the efficiency of the company. Existing network infrastructure may be exploited to significantly reduce labour expenses and paper storage and handling facilities. This book is intended for Library and Information Science students and professionals. It will be valuable to Library and Information Science Professionals and Students of all levels. It will also be useful for people preparing to organise their own Digital Library. This book tries to outline the ideas, methods, and strategies involved in digital library administration and information production for the reader.

ISBN 9781778806526
Author Alan Matthews
Publication Year 2023
Category Computer Science & Information Technology
Price $158.00

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Alan Matthews is an information technology specialist, librarian, and administrator. He is the Dean of Library Technology Planning and Policy at Georgia University, where he is in charge of information technology operations and planning, as well as implementing a strategic vision for library technology. He has written and spoken on a variety of issues, including digital preservation, cloud computing, open source software, emerging technologies in libraries, and the role of libraries in democracy, both domestically and internationally. His study focuses on the interface between information organisation and digital information technology, with long-term access to content arising as a natural result. Alan has published and presented in these fields on a national and international level.