Differential Equations of Non-Linear

About The Book

Numerous basic books have been written about the subject of differential equations. Any obstacles between elementary courses and exam writing are removed by this book. The basic focuses and balance, irregular arrangements, invariant sets, and invariant manifolds—all crucial concepts to consider when thinking about differential equations—are investigated. The construction of the security hypothesis starts with linearization techniques that go all the way back to Lyapunov and Poincare. The global direct approach is then looked at. The Poincare-Lindstedt approach is familiar with estimated occasional arrangements while also establishing presence via the certain capacity hypothesis in order to gather more quantitative evidence. As a generic way of standardising estimation, averaging is offered. The reader is introduced to unwinding motions, the bifurcation hypothesis, focus manifolds, confusion in mappings and differential equations, and Hamiltonian frameworks in the final four parts (repeat, invariant tori, intermittent arrangements). The topic matter is presented throughout the book both subjectively and quantitatively. Numerous examples are provided to illustrate the theory, and the reader should be able to start their own investigation after finishing this book.

ISBN 9781778807431
Author Mario Guzman
Publication Year 2023
Category Mathematics
Price $184.00

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Mario Guzman is an emeritus professor of mathematics at Fairleigh Dickinson University where he also held positions as director of government affairs, chair of the department of mathematics and computer science, acting dean of the college of science and engineering, interim provost of the metropolitan campus, and senior executive assistant to the president. Eleven works on mathematics have been authored by Mario Guzman, several of which are in their third edition and have been translated into numerous languages. He has had children's poems featured in publications including Highlights for Children. He worked as a member of the editorial board for Simulation Magazine, SIAM News, and Kids Club.