Economic Planning and Development

About The Book

A conventional dual-system society is transformed by economic progress into a productive framework in which everyone contributes and benefits appropriately. Economic development takes place when all societal sectors experience the positive effects of economic growth due to economic efficiency and equity. Agency, transaction, secondary, and opportunity costs are just a few of the negative externalities to society that will be present along with economic efficiency. A long-term framework that has been properly constructed is an economic development plan. It is employed to support communities in a variety of circumstances. The objective of economic development planning is to build and sustain a robust, thriving local economy. Planning for local government economic development requires intergovernmental coordination and is a component of a region's overall economic development strategy. The economic development plan gives a thorough assessment of the economy, establishes policy priorities for economic growth, and outlines initiatives, programmes, and methods for economic improvement. Key economic choices are made or affected by central governments through the process of economic planning. In contrast, the laissez-faire strategy avoids any attempt to steer the economy and instead relies on market forces to decide the rate, course, and type of economic evolution. The author concludes by recalling the initial time of development planning's excitement and the subsequent drop in expectations for the planning process and its significance. The fundamental knowledge regarding the global planning and economic development is provided in this book.

ISBN 9781778806557
Author John Maxwell
Publication Year 2023
Category Economics
Price $158.00

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John Maxwell is a policy professor who holds a Ph.D. For more than 7 years, he has held academic posts in teaching, research, academic administration, and economic development strategy. In the domains of planning and regional economic development, he is a distinguished researcher and practitioner. As a policy adviser, John was involved. He was made vice chair of the Presidio Trust, where he was instrumental in turning the former army installation into a successful public building. He has held positions on the boards of the Fulbright Association, the Nature Conservancy, and the US Planning Association. Over 169 scientific articles and 17 books, such as Advanced Economic Theory, Macroeconomics Peddling Prosperity, International Economics, etc., have been written by him. William Paul is a Ph.D. candidate and professor. He earned a master's in regional planning, a Ph.D. in city and regional planning, a master's in economics, and a B.A. in urban studies. He co-edits the Journal of Planning Education and Research and is a Certified Planner. In the fields of local economic development planning, urban and regional development, brownfield redevelopment, and sustainable urban industrial systems, William Paul teaches, conducts research, and publishes. William Paul is the coauthor of Economic Revitalization: Cases and Strategies for City and Suburb and the author of Economic Development and Planning, Stemming Middle Class Decline: The Challenge to Economic Development Planning, and other books. Economic Development Quarterly, Journal of Planning Education and Research, Journal of the American Planning Association, and Journal of Industrial Relations are a few of the journals he has published in them.