Environment, ecology, and pollution

About The Book

Ecology is the scientific study of how organisms interact with their surroundings and how they are distributed and abundant. The study of plant and animal populations, plant and animal communities, and ecosystems are all included in the field of ecology. The web or network of relationships between species at various organisational scales is referred to as an ecosystem. An ecosystem is a population of species in its physical environment that functions as a self-contained, dynamic system. This idea is used to explore the intricate relationships between the various creatures that make up the community, including the plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi. The interactions among the community of organisms take many different forms. To a living entity, environment refers to everything nearby. Particularly the conditions of people's lives or the society in which they live. It consists of the collection of social, cultural, and ecological values that exist in a certain location and time and have an impact on current and future generations. Any activity that defiles and harms the environment is considered a pollutant. Pollution has an impact on the land, the air, and the water. On our land, pollution takes up room. Food, toys, school materials, and technology are just a few of the everyday items that come in packaging. The systematic study of our environment and how we should interact with it is known as environmental science. Environmental science is a relatively new field that integrates natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities to create a comprehensive understanding of our environment. This book's objective is to familiarise readers with current research trends in the fields of ecology, environmental science, and pollution.

ISBN 9781778806540
Author Brayden Austen
Publication Year 2023
Category Environmental Science
Price $191.00

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Brayden Austen is an Environmental health Centenary Professor. He was previously appointed for his contributions to environmental research. Environment and human health are the areas of study that Brayden is most interested in. His primary area of expertise is air pollution, from emissions to exposure and impacts on human health as a result of atmospheric chemical and physical changes. A large portion of this research aims to aid in the formulation of policy. He has written extensively in the area of environment and pollution and is a co-editor of the International Journal of Biosciences. Ella Gel has a bachelor's degree, a master's degree in city and regional planning, a doctorate in civil and environmental engineering, and a master's degree in environmental health sciences. The first two editions of Air, Industrial, and Water Pollution were written by her. She was also a Chartered Scientist and Chartered Environmentalist, working on sustainable development and managing urban air pollution-related concerns. Her research has improved the state-of-the-art in environmental impact assessments, models of potential exposures to chemicals in consumer products, and measurements of air, industrial, and water pollution. Ella Gel is the Director of the National Health & Environmental Effects Laboratory in Research's Human Studies Division.