Environmental protection and biodiversity

About The Book

Biodiversity includes all genes, species, and ecosystems on Earth. It provides humanity with food, energy, resources, and crop-protecting and disease-curing genes. Biodiversity loss is a major environmental and development challenge. Sustainability emphasises that current usage of natural resources shouldn't limit future generations' possibilities, and sustaining biodiversity is a need for this. Biodiversity conservation tackles the growing concern for living things, the environment, and the links between ecosystem health and human health. This book presents a thorough and accessible assessment of significant global concerns in biodiversity. It summarises the ecological relationships between humans and the rest of the material world and the planet's health. Biodiversity helps the environment and can preserve crops naturally. In conventional agriculture, enormous areas are planted with a single crop and other species are killed with herbicides, insecticides, pesticides, and fungicides. In the absence of biodiversity, a single species can impair agricultural productivity, thus conventional farmers use chemical killing agents that harm the environment. Conservation protects, manages, and restores wildlife and natural resources like forests and water. Through biodiversity protection, many threatened species and environments can survive. It's vital to manage, conserve, and repair degraded ecosystems. This book is a great resource for teachers, researchers, students, and conservationists.

ISBN 9781778806243
Author Kerry Bennett
Publication Year 2023
Category Environmental Science
Price $178.00

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Kerry Bennett is a Curator of Fishes and Invertebrates and a member of the Biodiversity Conservation and Management Committee of the American Zoo and Aquarium Federation. Kerry Bennett has published several papers in peer-reviewed publications as well as several books, including Biotechnology and Genetics in Fisheries and Aquaculture, Developmental Genetics, Genetics and Fish Breeding, and Genetics, Embryology, and Fishes. In East Asia, he built intensive agricultural techniques and standardized the breeding and larval rearing of various species, as well as the fisheries programme. He has over 21 papers published and has received accolades and souvenirs for his great efforts in the aquaculture area.