Fermentation Technology

About The Book

The anaerobic breakdown of sugar by yeast into carbon dioxide and alcohol is known as fermentation. However, fermentation can also refer to any set of chemical reactions brought on by living or nonliving ferments that break down complex organic compounds into relatively simple ones. In fermentation, tiny yeast, moulds, and bacteria work together to cause a chemical shift. The process of fermentation involves the metabolic activity of organisms at all stages of their life cycles, including senescence and death. Utilizing microbes on a large-scale industrial level to manufacture food, medications, and alcoholic beverages is known as fermentation technology. The fundamental idea behind industrial fermentation technology is that by giving organisms raw resources that satisfy all of their requirements, including carbon, nitrogen, salts, trace elements, and vitamins, they can develop in the right environments. As a result of their metabolism, end products are created throughout their lifespan and released into the environment. These products are extracted for human use and have a high commercial value. In the last ten years, fermentation technology has seen a number of turbulent advancements. Wine, beer, cider, vinegar, ethanol, cheese, hormones, antibiotics, complete proteins, enzymes, and other beneficial goods are the main products of fermentation technology produced economically on a large-scale industrial basis. The book's objective is to present an in-depth analysis of fermentation technology's underlying principles as well as its most recent innovations and improvements, with a particular emphasis on industrial applications.

ISBN 9781778806717
Author Christopher
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $191.00

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Christopher Neilson is popular for fermentation as fermentation is being brought back by him. His experiments in fermentation began as a result of his shared passions for cooking, nutrition, and gardening. He is a self-taught experimentalist who resides in a rural area of Yugoslavia. Along with The Art of Fermentation and the numerous fermentation workshops, this book was released. Christopher Neilson has given lectures all over the world and has contributed to the fermenting arts' widespread resurgence. His areas of interest in research include ferritin and arsenic poisoning of natural groundwater, both structurally and functionally. Christopher Neilson has written or co-authored over 152 peer-reviewed journal papers, 32 book chapters, and 32 textbooks