Foods that are Biologically Safe

About The Book

This book focuses on cutting-edge developments to provide microbiologically safe foods for our global dinner table. Every component includes the most recent scientific findings, particularly in the areas of food preparation, pre- and post-harvest food security, quality assurance, and administrative information. The book opens with a general discussion of microbial dangers and the ramifications for everyone's health. In order to identify potential sources of human foodborne diseases, it then moves on to review the production processes of numerous food types, including dairy, eggs, beef, chicken, and products of the soil. The designers target the expanding market for handled foods as well as cutting-edge mediations, such as imaginative food packaging and inventions to reduce waste life forms and lengthen time of usability. Every section also shows the good or bad greenery of raw materials, waste problems, pathogens of concern, sources of contamination, pointer microorganisms, ways to deal with maintaining product quality and reducing destructive microbial populations, microbial guidelines for finished result testing, regular microbiological and sub-atomic techniques, and administrative problems. Other important topics include bioterrorism, the safety of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), emerging foodborne infections, great horticultural and agricultural forms, and avian flu.

ISBN 9781778807325
Author John Robinson
Publication Year 2023
Category Food Science & Health Nutrition
Price $191.00

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John Robinson is a professor and food safety consultant. He has held positions on editorial boards and international committees on food safety. The Guide to Foodborne Pathogens' coeditor is him. He has taught postgraduate students for more than 22 years and has authored a number of research publications in reputable scientific journals. The on-farm identification of microbiological foodborne diseases in cattle and poultry is the main area of his research. He has served on editorial boards and committees related to national food safety. He is a member of the American Academy of Microbiology. He is the author or co-author of over 102 peer-reviewed academic papers, 12 book chapters, and 25 textbooks. John Robinson addresses both the expanding market for processed meals and experimental solutions like creative technology and food packaging to lower spoiling microbes and increase shelf life.