Fruit and vegetable processing Technology

About The Book

Fruits and vegetables are not only important components of many processed foods, but also real food in their own right. Growing research has been conducted on their health relevance and methods to preserve desirable intangible and measurable traits. This in-person meeting presents an overview of some of the primary themes of the current investigation. This work takes a multidisciplinary approach to the principles and recent advances in the processing of farm-fresh, pre-cut meals. It progresses logically in the fresh-cut variety and discusses the industry and the market for these items. Products that are both healthy and aesthetically pleasing are another area of focus. Some ideas for expanding the markets for fresh-cut products include using steamer bags for vegetables, creating new natural product blends with greater variety, consolidating flavours, and using innovative packaging technology to increase the quality and shelf life of the products. Focusing on the scientific aspects of cutting-edge breakthroughs and their practical applications, this book covers the biochemical, physiological, microbiological, quality, as well as health considerations and customer science.

ISBN 9781778807936
Author Paul Benett
Publication Year 2023
Category Food Science & Health Nutrition
Price $191.00

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Paul Benett is now serving as the department head for the food processing division. His areas of specialty include the food processing and food conservation techniques, as well as their protection; he has conducted substantial research in each of these areas. In addition to this, he is an authority on the ecology and preservation of natural shoreline ecosystems. He is a fellow of the Switzerland Academy of Sciences and has served as an official for five different scientific organisations in his career. In addition to teaching three upper-level undergraduate courses in marine invertebrate zoology, marine ecology, and microscope techniques, he also teaches two graduate courses on a regular basis, one of which is biology of the mollusca. The other is a seminar. Additionally, he has served as either an editor or a peer reviewer for 21 different scientific journals. In addition to being the sole author on four books and a co-author on three others, he has also had 47 scientific papers published under his name.