Fundamentals Of Animal Nutrition

About The Book

The subject matter of Classification and Function of Nutrients, Deficiency Symptoms, Digestive Processes, Characterization of Feedstuffs, and Dietary Formulation for Domestic Animals is discussed in Principles of Animal Nutrition. Animal nutrition involves the study of the composition and characteristics of the material consumed by the animal, as well as the manner in which this material is metabolised (converted, utilised, and excreted) in the digestive tract and body cells of monogastric animals (pigs, broilers, layers), ruminants (sheep, cattle, goats), and lower digestive tract fermenters (like humans) (horses, ostriches). In addition to this, the nutrient requirements of diverse animal species for their respective production roles are discussed. Many factors contribute to why proper nutrition is essential. Animals require the appropriate nourishment in order to develop properly, maintain their bodies, and have the energy necessary to perform their necessary tasks. The nutrition that is required for an animal to keep its weight at the same level is referred to as maintenance. Energy is the capacity of the organism to carry out its many duties. A healthy diet is essential for maintaining a normal body temperature, producing milk, successfully reproducing, and building up healthy bone structures. Animals who do not receive the correct nourishment are more likely to develop health issues, which may result in expensive medical bills or even death. A healthy diet is required for all of an animal's systems to work effectively and cooperate with one another in order for the animal to be healthy. This book is appropriate not only for academics but also for students because it covers the essential and fundamental information of the subject, and the selection of contents makes it an appropriate book for students.

ISBN 9781778807639
Author Gary Weir
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $178.00

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Gary Weir is working In the Department of Animal Science, Gary Weir is now serving in the role of Visiting Professor. At Toronto University, he studied Animal Science and earned both a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science degree. In addition to other works, he has written