Fundamentals of Macroeconomics

About The Book

A subfield of economics known as macroeconomics studies how economies as a whole function, are structured, behave, and make decisions. This covers the local, regional, and international economy. The two most general areas of economics are macroeconomics and microeconomics, two names that Ragnar Frisch invented. Microeconomics, in contrast to macroeconomics, is the area of economics that examines how people and businesses behave when making decisions and how these people and businesses interact in precisely defined markets. Macroeconomics is the branch of economics that examines collective behaviour, or the whole of economic choices made by individuals. To put it another way, it is the examination of the entire economy, taking into account the total volume of products and services produced, total income earned, the extent to which productive resources are employed, and the overall trends in price movements. Analysis of the best ways to impact governmental policy objectives can be done using macroeconomics. The current book fully explains all the fundamental concepts of macroeconomics. It explains the connections between macroeconomic variables and how macroeconomic policy may be affected by these linkages. It also tries to create a comprehensive, logical framework for thinking about macroeconomics' core issues. Where necessary, the book has been reinforced by figures, tables, and equations, and it is written clearly to make it simple for readers to understand. The book will be very beneficial to pupils and for economics teacher’s.

ISBN 9781778807189
Author Glen Alison
Publication Year 2023
Category Economics
Price $158.00

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Glen Alison is a Professor and PhD Program Director. He earned a master's in regional planning, a Ph.D. in city and regional planning, a master's in economics, and a B.A. in urban studies. He co-edits the Journal of Planning Education and Research and is a Certified Planner. Glen Alison works in the fields of urban and regional development, Brownfield redevelopment, and sustainable urban industrial systems. He also teaches, conducts research, and publishes in these fields. Glen Alison is the coauthor of Economic Revitalization: Cases and Strategies for City and Suburb and the author of Economic Development and Planning, Stemming Middle Class Decline: The Challenge to Economic Development Planning, and other books. Economic Development Quarterly, Journal of Planning Education and Research, Journal of the American Planning Association, and Journal of Industrial Ecology are a few of the journals he has published in. Ken Gross holds both a Ph.D. and a bachelor's degree in economics. He was a member of the Council of Economic Advisers and served at the Reagan White House. Chinese, Bulgarian, Polish, Italian, and Spanish are only a few of the languages into which his books have been or are now being translated. He served as the Eastern Economic Association's and the History of Economics Society's presidents in the past. Over 200 research articles and 25 books, such as Advanced Economic Theory, Macroeconomics Peddling Prosperity, International Economics, etc., have been written by him.