Fundamentals of Topology

About The Book

The primary goal of this book is to present a straightforward, complete treatment of fundamental themes in the study of collections of objects, or sets, that have a mathematical structure. This book was meant to provide a readable introduction to algebraic topology that covers a wide range of topics. The point of view is extremely classical in spirit, and it keeps within the bounds of pure algebraic topology. Topology arose as a branch of study from geometry and set theory, analysing concepts such as space, dimension, and transformation. Such concepts can be traced back to Gottfried Leibniz, who proposed the geometria situs and analysis situs in the 17th century. The Seven Bridges of Konigsberg Problem and the Polyhedron Formula by Leonhard Euler are often regarded as the field's initial theorems. Johann Benedict Listing coined the term topology in the nineteenth century, but the concept of a topological space did not emerge until the first decades of the twentieth century. By the mid-twentieth century, topology had established itself as a major subject of mathematics. The motivating notion behind topology is that some geometric issues are determined not by the actual shape of the objects involved, but by how they are assembled. The square and the circle, for example, share many properties: they are both one-dimensional objects (from a topological standpoint) and both divide the plane into two sections, the inside and the outside.

ISBN 9781778807943
Author Edwards Robert
Publication Year 2023
Category Mathematics
Price $171.00

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Edwards Robert is a mathematics professor and the co-director of the Institute for Mathematical Science. He highlighted the importance of an axiomatic and abstract approach to all parts of modern mathematics. Elements' first volume was published many years ago. Following that, a vast range of topics, including works on set theory, algebra, general topology, functions of a real variable, topological vector spaces, and integration, have been covered. He has written research papers on dynamical systems and topology applications to geospatial information systems. Edwards Robert has been actively involved in curriculum development and education outreach efforts. He is currently co-authoring Algebraic Models in Our World, a text aimed at college-level general-education mathematics audiences.