Global Politics And International Relations

About The Book

The world in which we currently reside is through a significant era of change. There have never been more experiences and experiments in human history. It should be taken into consideration when studying world politics and international relations. Even if it is important to acknowledge the singularity of some occurrences and changes, we are more interested in the procedures and behavioural patterns observed in international politics. Because of the world's growing interdependence, the study of international relations is more crucial and vital than ever. The effects of international relations on our economic, intellectual, and social conditions are ever-widening and-deepening. The study of international relations as a field of study would resolve all regional and global issues. You are able to recognise and evaluate the positions and interests of important international issues as well as analyse and explain modern international processes.

ISBN 9781778807059
Author Ethan Joshua
Publication Year 2023
Category Political Science
Price $171.00

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Ethan Joshua is a Emeritus Professor previously served as Pro-Vice Chancellor and as Head of the Department of Politics and International Relations. He previously held the positions of Dean of Social Sciences and Professor of International Politics. Over nine books and more than a hundred articles on strategic studies, nuclear history, and international relations have been published by him. Ethan Newton has held research positions, served as a visiting professor, and was a fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, where he also won a teaching prize. On a book-length project about adhering to international human rights obligations, he is currently working.