Health, exercise, and athletics

About The Book

The learning area for health and physical education focuses on taking action to improve wellbeing. It includes a shared conceptual framework and learning objectives for the three distinct but linked topics of health education, physical education, and home economics. Physical education is a process that makes use of physical activity to aid individuals in acquiring knowledge, skills, and attitudes that support their best possible growth and well-being. It contributes significantly to a person's growth in a similar way to how education in the classroom does. It is crucial to have high-quality scientific material and information on the various facets of physical education in order to have great physical education at all levels. The current book, which is intended to serve as both a text and a resource in physical education, is a step in the right direction. It will serve as a text for undergraduate physical education courses. It can be used as a resource by a range of people, including teachers, coaches, volunteers, and other professionals. Sport serves crucial social roles in our culture and is therefore essential. It promotes good health and well-being, gives a method of social contact, and presents numerous opportunities for intense experiences in a world where physical exercise is steadily declining. The purpose of this book is to carefully compile the most significant physical administration-related writings from throughout history's greatest authorities. The selection process is primarily focused on meeting the needs of physical education teachers and students.

ISBN 9781778806953
Author Matthew Alan
Publication Year 2023
Category Physical Education & Sports
Price $158.00

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Mathew Alan is a Senior Lecturer in Physical Education and Sports Studies. Prior to starting his career as a health and physical education teacher in primary and secondary schools, he earned his undergraduate degree in Human Movement Studies. More than 125 publications, including books, scholarly and professional articles, and journalism, have been authored by him. With two sponsored studies that focus on at-risk youth, Professor Mathew Alan's interests have more recently expanded outside the realm of formal education to broader topics about physical exercise and young people. He belongs to the National Educational Research Association as well as the National Sociological Association, Association for Physical Education, and Special Interest Group for Physical Education.