Heritage & Cultural Travel

About The Book

Tourism is one of the world's largest and fastest-growing sectors, with 700 million people travelling and spending 7.4 trillion dollars. Tourism promotes people-to-people relationships, ethnic and cultural understanding, mutual appreciation and co-operation, and hence peace. It also gives endless chances for job creation, social and economic improvement, and contributing to national economies. Cultural heritage tourism must meet a variety of objectives for sustainable development, including the conservation of cultural resources, accurate interpretation of resources, genuine tourist experience, and the stimulation of generated profits from cultural resources. World historic sites value tourism. Most natural site managers consider it important. World heritage tourism protects, conserves, and restores local areas. Such tourism demands managerial training. Visitors must be managed, interpreted, and promoted. Culture and legacy are driving economic and urban revitalization. As cultural tourism becomes more important for tourist destinations developing their cultural capital to attract international visitors, it's important to assess how to better understand and serve cultural and heritage tourists through marketing, planning, and programming with local and regional communities. This book includes worldwide charters for cultural tourism and safeguarding heritage places. ICOSM and WHC are highlighted. World Heritage Assets and projects to protect cultural and heritage sites have been designated.

ISBN 9781778806458
Author Alan Cooper
Publication Year 2023
Category Travel & Tourism Management
Price $158.00

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Alan Cooper is a Senior Sustainability Scientist and Professor of Community Resources and Development. He is also the Chairman of the Hospitality Development and Management Program. He graduated from the Global Institute of Tourism with an MBA in Hospitality and Tourism Management. He is an expert writer on a variety of topics, with a particular talent for management disciplines. Cultural heritage, tourism and sustainable development, globalisation processes and supranationalism, Tourism Marketing Management, a career in tourism and research in management, political boundaries and border issues, biodiversity and tourism impacts, religion, conflict, and security, immigration and global diasporas, and peripheral region dynamics are among his primary research interests. He has published numerous articles in various newspapers and publications.