Horticultural Crop Biotechnology

About The Book

Horticultural crops are high-value crops with many value-adding opportunities. Market-driven agriculture requires quality at every stage of production, and horticulturists must control complete quality. Present volume on 'Biotechnology of horticultural crops' details scientific crop management of horticultural crops from soil selection through production and handling of fresh produce in the field. Value addition, organic farming, protected cultivation, export potential, and production economics are covered. Fruits and vegetables per capita in India are insufficient to meet nutritional and protective diet needs. Only 67% of horticultural production is used locally, 30% is lost after harvest, 2% is exported, and 0.8% is processed. Horticultural produce market has huge potential. Changing dietary preferences, lifestyles, health consciousness, and purchasing power have created an opportunity for farmers and horticulturists. India is the second-biggest producer of fruits and vegetables, greatest producer and consumer of cashew nuts, tea spices, third-largest producer of coconut, fourth-largest producer and consumer of rubber, and sixth-largest producer of coffee. Due to concentrated research, technological and governmental initiatives, and high-efficiency inputs, horticulture in India is now sustainable and viable for small and marginal farmers. Horticulture as a commercial venture has also attracted entrepreneurs. The horticultural industry has significant growth potential.

ISBN 9781778806311
Author Edward Hatfield
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $178.00

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Edward Hatfield, chief scientist, works at the Central Institute for Agricultural Development Studies. He joined Shell Study Center after doing postdoctoral research at Northwest Regional Research Center. R  Edward Hatfield was the Editor-in-Chief of the IRSB Special Issues in New Biotechnology (20011-2013) and is the Editor-in-Chief of Biocatalytic and Agricultural Biotechnology. He is President of the World Association of Biocatalytic and Agricultural Biotechnology and a Fellow of many scientific societies, including the School of Microbiology, the Community for Industrial Microbiology, the Pharmacists Organisation, and the European Society of Biocatalytic and Agricultural Biotechnology.