Immobilization of Enzyme

About The Book

An enzyme is a protein or protein complex that catalyses a chemical reaction. Like any catalyst, enzymes work by lowering the activation energy of a reaction, allowing it to achieve its steady state or completion much faster than it would otherwise. The enzyme can continue catalysing other reactions because it is unaffected by the completed reaction. When an enzyme is attached to an inert, soluble material, such calcium alginate, it is said to be immobilised. This may lead to an increase in tolerance to environmental changes like pH or temperature. Additionally, it makes it possible for enzymes to be retained throughout the reaction, which makes it simple to separate them from the end products and then reuse them in a procedure that is much more efficient. It is commonly utilised in industry for enzyme-catalyzed reactions because of these factors. Alternative to enzyme immobilisation is whole cell immobilisation. When choosing carrier matrices for covalent binding and enzyme immobilisation by adsorption, caution must be exercised. Small-scale manufacture of high-value goods may be able to use relatively expensive supports and immobilisation techniques, while large-scale manufacturing of low-value goods would render these methods unprofitable. There is a huge cost savings when the carrier can be replaced once the immobilised enzyme has served its purpose. In addition to innovative immobilisation procedures and new chemical reactors that can overcome the limitations of some immobilised derivatives, this book includes simple protocols for the immobilisation of enzymes and cells that might be used on an industrial scale.

ISBN 9781778806656
Author Jane Davis
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $178.00

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Jane Davis earned his doctorate in Geneva. He has published 19 publications in respectable peer-reviewed national and international journals in the fields of biochemistry, molecular biology, microbiology, proteomics, food chemistry, nanotechnology, biotechnology, enzyme immobilisation, medicinal chemistry, and pharmacology. He has written 10 book chapters with foreign publishers in addition to a single author book with Springer International Publishing AG. Another book is being released right now. Most notably, he is the primary author of almost all published articles, reviews, and book chapters. Jane Davis is a member of the editorial boards of two international publications, Molecular Biology and Developmental Microbiology.