In Physical Education, Kinesiology

About The Book

Kinesiology is the application of the sciences of biomechanics, anatomy, physiology, psychology, and neuroscience to the study of human and nonhuman animal body movements, performance, and function. Kinesiology is used in the sport and exercise sectors, as well as by physical educators, occupational therapists, and other rehabilitation professionals in the field of human health. Kinesiology is a scientific discipline of study; it does not educate people for careers in medicine. Complex activities are more prevalent in the world of sport. It takes energy, quickness, skill, and situations to import the activities to the athletes or players. Sports use kinesiology knowledge to make their talents and approaches more dynamic. Employees and labourers in industries must go through a forceful work. All facets of kinesiology are covered in this book, Kinesiology and Physical Education

ISBN 9781778807134
Author Juan Adrien
Publication Year 2023
Category Physical Education & Sports
Price $171.00

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Juan Adrien is a professor of exercise and sport science. He oversaw the department for ten years. He has worked at every level of education, including as an elementary physical education teacher, a college coach, and a professor at both liberal arts colleges and research universities. He has written extensively on many subjects, such as the philosophy and ethics of sport, the role of religion and evangelism in sport, sport sociology, and the development of motor skills. He has also frequently spoken on issues in higher education and kinesiology. Juan Adrien was the associate editor of the Chronicle for Physical Education in Higher Education and a previous editor of Quest. His previous membership in the State Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education was as a Fellow.