Information Technology Overview

About The Book

Almost every aspect of human life and existence has been influenced by science and technology. The remarkable scientific and technological advancements have elevated modern society and made it a scientific and technical civilization. Given their significance, science and technology have been integrated into all levels of schooling. The role of teachers, who have extensive knowledge of socialisation, social class influences, teaching ethics, new technologies, research perspectives, use of the internet, television, management, and professional accreditation in information technology, among other topics, is discussed in the current book. The book's contents contain a lot of information that can help and direct students as they select one of the many professional options to determine the course of their careers. Thus, this book offers numerous educational concepts for both teachers and students, and it is an absolute must for all educational institutions as well as anybody who is interested.

ISBN 9781778807066
Author Michael Jacob
Publication Year 2023
Category Computer Science & Information Technology
Price $184.00

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Michael Jacob earned an M.S. in Nuclear Engineering in addition to a B.S. in Information Technology with a concentration in structures. In theoretical and applied mechanics, he earned a Ph.D. The current research projects Michael Jacob is working on involve structural analysis and longitudinal data analysis. Research in information technology, analysis of continuous, binary, and ordinal data that is clustered, techniques for correcting regression models for measurement error, and modelling of data on cancer incidence. He has worked as an engineer in a number of institutions. Michael Jacob is the author of numerous well-known and enormously popular books on computers and information technology. Michael Jacob has also published a large number of research papers in journals from around the world.