Integrated circuits that are linear

About The Book

A group of tiny electronic analogue circuits are assembled on a single piece of semiconductor material to produce an analogue chip. In the circuits of analogue chips, the voltage and current at certain locations fluctuate continually throughout time. Digital chips, in contrast, don't utilise or produce any intermediate voltages or currents; they only use or produce discrete levels. Analog chips frequently contain more passive components than standard digital circuits, in addition to transistors. Due to their size, inductors are frequently avoided, however a transistor and capacitor working in tandem can perform an inductor's function. An overview of the topics covered in the book is as follows: Direct and capacitor-coupled Opamp amplifiers; Frequency response and compensation to enhance the performance of Opamp circuits; Voltage and current sources, instrumentation amplifiers, and Log and antilog amplifiers, clamping circuits, etc. The textbook covers the B.E. curriculum. The subject is developed logically so that B.Sc. and diploma students could also use the book. Each chapter is supported by well-done visuals, step-by-step illustrations, and graded numerical examples.

ISBN 9781778807172
Author Ethan Melody
Publication Year 2023
Category Engineering & Technology
Price $197.00

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Ethan Melody is a Professor and Department of Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Design Chair. Both his