International Relations And Political Science

About The Book

As has been established, the sovereign state is the primary historical institution that underpins international politics. As a result, the study of international relations is rife with crucial concerns that are intertwined with the theory and practise of sovereign statehood. But in addition to that, there are a few other significant concerns. This has resulted in on-going arguments regarding the appropriate sphere of influence for international affairs. At one end of the spectrum, the academic focus is solely on states and interstate relations, whereas at the other end of the spectrum, international relations encompasses nearly everything that has to do with human relations across the world. If we want to have a well-rounded and well-balanced understanding of international relations, it is imperative that we examine each of these unique points of view. This book has been written with the intention of demystifying the intricacies of political science and international relations in a manner that gives students a distinct comprehension of the operational principles underlying various theories as well as the urban legends that are connected to those theories.

ISBN 9781778807585
Author John Goedeker
Publication Year 2023
Category Political Science
Price $158.00

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John Goedeker is a well-known authority in the fields of political science and international relations. In addition to his role as a professor of political science, he is also the Research Director for International Relations at the Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation. Former President of the International Political Science Association, Drew Paul served in this role. He has had more than 190 articles, book chapters, and magazine essays published across a variety of languages. He is the author of over 20 books. He has published a significant body of work on the application of game theory to problems in strategic studies and the philosophy of international relations. Aside from that, he was one of the three editors of the International Encyclopedia of Political Science, which was the publication that was awarded the Medal for Reference Publishing.