Introduction To Biochemistry

About The Book

This book of “Biochemistry,” is unique in that it emphasises both the fundamental and related aspects of biochemistry at the same time. This reading material provides a blend of medical and pure sciences that has been developed specifically to satisfy the educational module requirements for college classes in restorative, dental, pharmacy, life sciences, and other classifications (horticulture, veterinary, and so on.). The goal of this book is to instil in students a controlled enthusiasm and desire to learn and develop the concepts of biochemistry in an educated and methodical manner. It combines a variety of instructional resources, aside from colour delineations, to help students fully and quickly understand the subject. It includes the foundational knowledge (Bioorganic and Biophysical Chemistry, Tools of Biochemistry, Immunology, and Genetics) so that beginners can acquire it without difficulty. Biochemistry, the origins of biochemical terms, biochemical confusables, practical biochemistry standards, and clinical biochemistry laboratory. The most recent and fundamental information is provided on topics like Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Diabetes, Cancer, Free Radicals, Free Radicals and Antioxidants, Prostaglandins, and more.

ISBN 9781778806670
Author Justin Philip
Publication Year 2023
Category Agriculture & Life Science
Price $178.00

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Justin Philip is a professor and the head of the department of biochemistry at the Medical Sciences and Research Centre Kenya. He has held a variety of teaching and specialty positions. Six of his scholarly publications have been published in domestic and international journals. He has participated in numerous workshops and training programmes in addition to presenting numerous scholarly papers at national and international conferences. The fundamental ideas and uses of biochemistry are covered in-depth and authoritatively in this book. The MCI-recommended course for first-year medical students is fully covered. He has participated in numerous workshops and training sessions in addition to presenting numerous scholarly papers at national and international conferences. Carol Louise wrote a number of well-known works. He had over 70 research papers published in both domestic and foreign journals. He is the Best Teacher Award winner. Carol Louise, a member of the Research Board of Advisors for the Biographical Institute, was recognised by the International Biographical Centre as an Outstanding Scientist in the World. The biochemistry of mammalian cells is covered in this version of Carol Louise's Textbook of Biochemistry, along with cellular events' relationships to overall animal physiological processes and examples of human diseases resulting from abnormal biochemical processes.