Introduction to Education

About The Book

The basic educational disciplines are outlined in this book in an accessible and comprehensive manner. An introduction exhorts the reader to successfully engage with the reasoning of education, and the carefully selected presenters offer the reader life. Each section focuses on a particular area of open discussion and explains the fundamental concepts that are taken directly from philosophical writings. These concepts are then followed by questions that help the reader engage with the content more deeply and effectively and suggest next steps as well as more challenging sources or opposing arguments. For learner instructors working on undergraduate and graduate projects, as well as education understudies, this book is fundamental reading. It will also be relevant to educators and teachers in the development stage who are looking for philosophical approaches to address current problems in education. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the planning, delivery, and evaluation of adventure education with a strong focus on professional practice and delivery.

ISBN 9781778806564
Author Wilkins Thomas
Publication Year 2023
Category Education
Price $171.00

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Wilkins Thomas is a master's degree, a doctorate, and has written numerous books and journal papers on topics related to education research and teacher preparation. He has worked in the commercial and educational sectors for three decades. Wilkins has worked with networks of teachers to develop their classroom assessments as part of his practitioner research projects. Additionally, he contributed to the creation of Education Studies as a discipline. He served as the Education Studies Association's chair and most recently took part in the evaluation of the subject benchmarks for education studies.