Introduction To Religious Studies

About The Book

One thing is certain: engaging in combat with another person over religion is beyond human decency. We are fellow travellers in the path of the spiritual realm as a religious man. The terms Hindus, Muslims, Christians, etc., lose any meaning at this point. Of course, we have a long way to go and have only just begun. The advaitic idea of a difference-less Brahman can currently be used to reconcile all religions, though. Here, we have included this idea. Second, it has been demonstrated that the central ideas of several religions overlap. The book makes an effort to question the terminology employed in western discourse while discussing religion. By doing this, the book provides a comprehensive account of the debates around topics pertaining to the ideas and methods used in the study of religion. The book offers insight into some of the crucial questions that must be resolved while dealing with religions. For anybody interested in religion, culture, philosophy, or the sufferings of the underclass, this academic exposition is a must-read.

ISBN 9781778807103
Author Mason Wyatt
Publication Year 2023
Category Philosophy
Price $158.00

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Mason Wyatt is an assistant professor of religious studies and the organization's executive secretary. He has received a Distinguished Teaching Award in his honour. He is the author of numerous volumes, including Religion and the Private Sphere, Introduction to the Study of Religion, Masking Hegemony: A Genealogy of Liberalism, and editor of the Bulletin for the Study of Religion. He was given the Best Teacher Award and the Academic Excellence Award at the International Conference on Advances in the Study of Religion. About 33 research publications by Mason Wyatt have been published in reputable national and international journals and conference proceedings.