Logic Introduction

About The Book

The systematic examination of argument structure is usually accepted to be the essence of logic, which originally meant "the word "or" what is spoken." An argument is considered to be legitimate when there is a clear relationship of logical support between its premises and its conclusion. No one can agree on the precise boundaries and topics of logic, but historically, these have included argument classification, a systematic presentation of the "logical form" shared by all convincing arguments, the study of inference, including fallacies, and the study of semantics, including paradoxes. Historically, philosophy and mathematics have studied logic; more recently, computer science, linguistics, psychology, and other sciences have done the same. The book is on logic and discusses a variety of topics related to it, including the general nature of the inquiry, the use of analogies in arguments, mathematical reasoning, etc. Both those who are interested in logic and logic students will find this book to be of great value.

ISBN 9781778807080
Author Carter Aiden
Publication Year 2023
Category Computer Science & Information Technology
Price $158.00

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Carter Aiden is Professor of philosophy. He has a bachelor’s in mathematics and a doctorate in philosophy of science with a focus on ancient philosophy. Many Worlds of Logic, Logic: Analyzing and Appraising Arguments, Symbolic Logic: Classical and Advanced Systems, Introduction to Logic, and Formal Ethics are among the works he has written. Currently, Carter Aiden belongs to the National Association. He keeps working on his writing and research projects, including A Concise Introduction to Logic. His passions include fishing, skiing, opera, fishing, art, and environmental issues. In addition to cognitive science, psychometrics, computational theories of mind, and evolutionary psychology, his professional interests also span logic, epistemology, philosophy of science, and philosophy of mind.